8 Cool Free SEO Website Analytics Tools
Search Engine Optimisation is as popular as ever. Just having a website doesn’t mean your potential customers will find you in the ocean of millions of websites online. You need to have your website optimised. And there are a great range of free tools to check and monitor your website to see how well it’s doing.
SEO isn’t about how pretty your website is, it’s about how good it looks to the search engines like Google. A lot of elements make up a truly optimised website. And if you spend some time on these free tools, you will get a feel for what the search engines are looking for – and what can help you reach the first page.
1. Backlink Watch
Type URL of your website to get complete detailed information about quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to your website. It will show you “anchor” text, pagerank, total outbound links on that page, and nofollow flag for each of your inbound link available.
2. Hubspot Website Grader
How well is your website doing? Is it getting traffic? Does it have SEO problems? How popular is it in social media? Find out the answers for free. Just enter your website URL and click Generate Report.
3. SpyFu
Spy on your online competitors. Download competitors keywords and adwords.
4. MOZ
Backed by industry-leading data and the largest community of SEOs on the planet, Moz builds tools that make inbound marketing easy.
5. SEO Book
Directory of recommended free and paid SEO tools across every aspect of the industry: keyword research, competitive intelligence, web analytics, link building, and more…
6. Web Confs
SEO Tools and Webmaster Utilities – including Similar Page Checker, Redirect Check, Domain Stats Tool, and many more!
7. Alexa
Possibly one of the most famous website evaluators. Now bought by Amazon and no longer free, with traffic metrics, search analytics, demographics, and more for websites from $9.99/month up to $149/month.
8. SEO Chat
SEO Chat Forms, SEO Tools (Adsense Calculator, Advanced Meta-Tags, ROI Calculator, Keyword Position, and many more…) and a Weekly SEO Newsletter
Do you regularly use tools to monitor the search engine success of your website? Do you have any other tools you suggest? Feel free to share below.

this is a soo good site for online seo tools thanks a lot sir
Jason Smith
Marketing has become very important especially post Google Panda and Penguin updates as the rules and regulations of Google and engine results has changed forever. Many Thanks for the write-up and the list of tools that help toward these aspects of Marketing.
please tell me any free seo tool by which i bring my website in top ten google results
Thanks in Advance
Thanks for the list. Information from Website Grader can be very usefull but utility isn’t good enough to meet my demands.
Gamos Prosklitiria
Great list. Some of the tool was known to me but there are some new finds here.
Unfortunately i try some of the new tools (new for me at list….) like “Best SEO tools” and i don’t get any results.
Andrew Walker
Excellent list. Hubspot Website Grader is definitely helpful. A little doubt about Alexa. I left it since three months ago. I just believe in Google. Thanks for the list, Fiona…
Tarun Sharma
Siteopsys currently offers more than 20 research and analytical tools classified into 7 different categories, based on their usage areas. We plan to develop more analysis driven SEO optimization tools in times to come.
Most of Siteopsys tools are FREE and are available for usage at absolutely no charge, for now. The powerful capabilities of these tools allow everyone to use them for an in-depth and valuable analysis. Siteopsys uses advanced Grid Computing and Cloud Computing technologies making our Web Site SEO tools really fast. So, if you’re looking for a speedy SEO tool to optimize your site’s performance, take advantage of our diverse evaluative tools now at http://www.siteopsys.com
Thanks for share the list. It will help us to get better SEO.
Thierry Samson
Very useful recap, Fiona, within 30 minutes, I’m back in the game !
Kristi Hines
Definitely a great list of tools – I haven’t tried a few of them so I will check them out soon. Always nice to have some additional items in the marketing toolbox.
Fiona McEachran
@Kristi Hines, Hi Kristi
Thanks for your comment. Once you give these a try, we’d love to know what you think…
Peter L Masters MCIM
Hi, great post! Very useful and based on liking people who publish good stuff instead of just stuff I’m following you on Twitter too! I’m marketingm8 on Twitter and I hope we share more quality information. I know Alexa and Hubspot very well, but some of the others look interesting. Make sure you use StumbleUpon for your posts, it’s proved very useful to me! Check out my guest post on http://bit.ly/gYp5p3 Cherry Solution, Singapore the StumbleUpon stats speak for themselves! Thanks again, regards, Peter (Just noticed you’re on NetworkedBlogs, mutual following perhaps??)
Fiona McEachran
@Peter L Masters MCIM, Hi Peter
Thanks for your feedback on Alexa and Hubspot, and I’m happy to hear you found us on Twitter 🙂
I do use StumbleUpon a little to find other interesting posts, but from a traffic point of view, I do not find the traffic it delivers to this website to be high quality, and most only stay for a few seconds.
Jack Thomas
Sure would be great if there was one software package that did all of the activities that the free ones do all in one package. If there is something out there like that please let me know.
Fiona McEachran
@Jack Thomas, Hi Jack
Yes, it would be excellent to have one all encompassing software pack that covers everything. I know there are a few software options out there: http://www.seomoz.org is quite good, and I’ve heard http://www.link-assistant.com is another option too.
But there isn’t one that I have seen that is the ultimate, must-have option…
Thanks for your comment.
Sheila Atwood
I have been using Alexa and Site Explorer by Yahoo.
The tools on SEOCHAT.com really are a great resource. Thank you.
The backlink checker is a real eye opener.
Now I am off to check out HubSpot. Then I need to take a look at what direction I need to move into.
Fiona McEachran
@Sheila Atwood, Hi Sheila
It’s great to hear you’ve been using Alexa and thanks for the Site Explorer tip. That’s awesome that you’re checking our seochat, backlink checker and hubspot. I hope you’ve uncovered some helpful and interesting titbits about your site 🙂
I have been using those tools for quite soem time now – backlink watch is a good tool as well as webconfs.
I am not a big fan of hubspot website grader especially because this tools cannot fly through a simple 302 redirection or example.
I have no special comment on the other tools as I am not really using them.
Kinda like seoprofiler.com even though teh free analysis is a little too “short”
Fiona McEachran
@Juge, Hi Juge
Thanks for your feedback on Backlink Watch and Webconfs. It’s great to hear from others using and enjoying these tools. And I really appreciate your extra suggestion – seoprofiler, I’ll have to check it out. 🙂
nicola Grayling
Thanks for sharing this info – I recd it via Melanie Kissell. I am still trying to understand all the SEO, back-linking etc in order to make my website more successful.
Thanks for sharing this I have bookmarked this page so I can refer back to it when I need to.
Nicola – The Accessory Barn
Fiona McEachran
@nicola Grayling, Hi Nicola
Wow, thanks for letting us know that you found us via Melanie – she has an awesome blog! Yes, SEO is a huge area of online marketing to understand. I picked up another book on SEO today, and it has 746 pages! And it covers the basics 🙂
I’m happy to hear you’ve bookmarked this page – we really appreciate it.
Great post … some new sites to bookmark and take up my FREE time with
Fiona McEachran
@Corri, Thanks Corri – I’ve gotta give you something to fill that ample free time you always have 😉 Happy to hear you liked the post!
Melanie Kissell @SoloMompreneur
Super list of SEO tools, Fiona — thanks!
The only two I’m familiar with are “HubSpot” and “Alexa”. So I’ve got some new toys to play with now. 🙂
Fiona McEachran
@Melanie Kissell @SoloMompreneur, Hi Melanie,
I’m happy to hear you are already using a couple of these 🙂 HubSpot and Alexa are very good, although I feel Alexa is losing some of its power as a realistic measurement tool for the success of a website, mainly because of the bizillions of websites online now, and many more going up every day.
But I still think it’s good in combination with others 🙂
@Fiona McEachran, even beyond that. Many websites are simply abusing Alexa rankings. There are tricks to climb the Alexa ladder that some utilize. Unrealistic indeed.
Extreme John
I’ve been using Backlink Watch for a long time now, even reviewed it a year or so ago I believe. it’s good stuff, there’s a few others I need to look at in the list. Thank you as always Fiona.
Fiona McEachran
@Extreme John, Hi John,
Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you’ve been using Backlink Watch and you find it so helpful. I’m happy to introduce you to some others too! 🙂
Robert Antwi
This is a very good source off free Online SEO tools that i also use myself. Do not sleep on this List.
Thanks Fiona