Social Media Marketing
Getting Started With Facebook Advertising
Facebook advertising is complex, and if not managed correctly, can waste a lot of time and money. Like all marketing tactics, planning is key. Knowing exactly what you are trying to achieve and who your target audience is can make a huge difference.
8 Tracking Tools For Your Social Media Stats
Social Media is a leading tactic in most Marketing Plans for engaging your target market in every stage in the sales and marketing funnel. Gone are the days when Social Media was just “playing online”. Many key platforms have become serious online marketing tools, which have proven to deliver an amazing return on investment. There are various software tools and websites that have proven themselves over the years to help businesses and marketing professionals track and monitor their social media progress. Understanding the analytics produced as the result of social media marketing efforts needs to form a key part of reporting, so campaigns and initiatives can be improved in the future. Let’s…
How To Be Authentic In Social Media
Hint: Your online should match your offline (thanks for that one Erika) This year, I returned to the Social Media Marketing World conference in San Diego, and I learned a whole lot more than I bargained for. Did the presentations and sessions blow me away? Mostly no, but thank you Tim Washer and John Jantsch for being awesome and making my time in your sessions well spent. Despite a lot of the sessions being duds, everything else around the sessions did teach me so much more. So I will share with you the 2 biggest lessons I learned: Lesson 1 – Not all social media marketers are created equal There is…
My Visit To Social Media Marketing World 2014
I’ve been a fan of using social media to boost business results for about 7 years now – wow that looks like a long time – so when the opportunity arose for me to fly for a whole day to get to San Diego to mingle with those “in the know” I jumped at the chance. I learned about the event through following Social Media Examiner (my new Mashable), and the speaker list featured 2014’s best and brightest in the field. My reason for attending was not really the content, as you can kinda find that content online. I was just keen to meet other social marketing strategists and corporate…
Top 4 Ways To Generate Leads For Your Business
The core of any business, is generating leads, which hopefully then will convert to paying customers. To generate leads, you really just need to get the features and benefits of your products or services in front of your target market in the best possible light.