How To Choose A Copywriter
You want your copywriting on the web to either engage your customers or get them to take action. And the copywriter you choose will be representing your business, so it’s important to make sure you choose the right one.
But with so many copywriters available all around the world, how do you possibly choose the one that will best suit you?
Here are my tips for choosing your copywriter:
You Like Their Work
If you are going to get a copy writer to write copy for your website, then read the copy they have written on their own website and their clients’ websites. Does the copy have a personality that can match your business?
If you are looking for a Press Release, then check their prior Press Releases, etc…
Also, you need to have a match in terms of the personality of the copywriter. If you like the copywriter, and get along with them, it will make the communication between the two of you so much easier.
Location, Location
With the success of the world wide web, you are no longer bound by your geographical location to choose a local copywriter. But maybe you are?
If you are choosing a copywriter, they need to be able to create copy for your target market. Is your target market in Australia, in the UK, in America, or another country? Each country, even English-speaking countries, have their own slang and ways of communicating that people outside those countries, or who haven’t lived there may not be able to get, no matter how good they are.
For example, I am an Aussie, and I understand Aussie copy. But I have also lived in the UK, and travelled in the US, so I am able to adapt for those markets as well.
So who are your customers and where do they live?
Price/ Investment
Ah yes, price, schmice. Price is a natural consideration when hiring a copywriter. You can hire a copywriter at a bargain basement price of $5 an article on overseas freelancing websites, or you can pay up to $10,000 for the best copywriters at the top of their game.
Like most services, you do tend to get what you pay for in copywriting.
In Australia, professional web copywriting tends to start from about $70 per hour, with a lot of professionals around $150 per hour, and even some up to $180 or $220 per hour.
Ultimately copywriting is an investment your business will make, and you should be focussing on getting a return on that investment.
If you are on a budget, you may be better off learning copywriting yourself, but if you are a professional business, then hiring a good copywriter can pay off in thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in income.
They Understand Strategy, Marketing and Sales
Copy is not just words on a page with correct grammar, and the best copywriters know this. Especially if you are looking to work with a copywriter on an ongoing basis, they have to know and understand how their copy fits into your entire marketing process and where the copy fits in the sales funnel.
If you want to check if a copywriter is aware, just ask them. The copy they write for your business needs to support your business brand, and fit into your marketing and sales processes in order to multiple your sales results.
I hope these tips for hiring a copywriter have been helpful.
As always, I welcome your questions, comments and feedback.

One Comment
Thanks, these are all great tips – as well as some interesting insight into the Australian copywriting market. If someone has done a really good job on a site you’ve seen, but the style isn’t quite right for your audience you can always talk to the copywriter and ask for samples in the style you’re seeking. Often he or she can adjust the “voice” as needed.