Marketing Strategy

What is your Marketing USP?

When devising a marketing plan or strategy, as a small business owner, you are encouraged to come up with a USP.  Also known as Unique Selling Point.

Traditionally, this is considered by many marketing professionals to be the thing about your business, your products or your services to be completely unique, that makes you stand out from the competition.

Well in today’s competitive times, where small businesses are becoming more adaptive, so that as soon as you develop your USP, other businesses can easily adapt to adopt it as well.  It is really getting harder and harder to become totally UNIQUE.

Some businesses say – “We have the best customer service” – but isn’t that what every business says?  Some businesses say – “We have the lowest prices” – but what happens if your competitor lowers prices?  And some businesses say – “We know we are good at what we do, but what makes us really unique?”

So what is the solution? – you may ask.  The only solution is to really delve into why you are different.  You must find your –

Unique Selling Point

This is the clearest solution to come up with in this current business age.  Ask yourself:

  • How is my business different?
  • How do we stick out?
  • How are we really not like the other ones?

Every business is a bit different in one way, and just a bit different in another way.  So how do you find out what your Unique Selling Point is?

You make a list, and write down all your business strengths, every one you can think of.  Then you pick the one you are most proud of, and you make that your Unique Selling Point.

Being Different

It should be incorporated in your branding, your marketing, your business plan, your customer service strategy, so that when your clients are asked about your business, they immediately think of your Unique Selling Point.

Put your USP on your leaflets, your website, your letterhead, mention it in interviews, in press releases, and in advertising.

I had one client ask me – “Our Unique Selling Point is that we have the best customer service, and our clients are delighted”.  Then they asked, “But doesn’t every business say they have the best customer service?  How can we be unique with that?”

I say – “Add you”, your competitor’s business doesn’t have YOU”.  Take your CUSTOMER SERVICE, add YOU, and run with that –

  • Set up a company blog, where yourself AND/ OR your staff can blog articles
  • Add your staffs photos and bio to your website, also add staff social media network links.
  • Add your testimonials to your website, but not NORMAL testimonials.  Interview your clients… Get them to answer 3 questions about your business service or product.  Otherwise if you ask for a testimonial they may freeze up and not know what to say.  Or it could sound “generic”.

Do you get the general idea?  Every business may not be unique, but there is definitely a way you can be Unique.

How is your business special?

Marketing Manager, Content Strategist and Writer driving Engagement and ROI. On weekends I'm a Property Investor, Traveler & Coffee Snob


  • Vinie

    Hi Fiona. This is a great post and a new way of looking at the concept of marketing. I would like to know more about this. Can you help me with the possible resources that could be useful? Thanks in advance.

    • Fiona

      @Vinie, Hi Vinie, Thanks for your kind comment. For marketing resources, feel free to look under the “Tools” page of our website, or search our website for the specific keyword you are looking for.

      If you cannot find anything, let me know, and I can find or create the resource for you. 🙂

  • Melanie Kissell

    Fiona ~

    What’s quirky, eccentric, eclectic, and off-the-beaten-path is always appealing to me!

    Business aside …

    As human beings, we are unique (in and of ourselves). You know … they throw the mold away after each one of us is made. 🙂 So right out of the gate, that gives all of us a leading edge. There’s only one YOU in this world.!

    Love this post.

    • Fiona

      Hi Melanie, Yes we seem to be on the same wavelength in terms of all things “abnormal” 😉 I’m so glad you agree with me. I think a lot of people get so caught up in finding this AMAZING USP about their business that they forget themselves…… literally. No matter what your product or service, whoever is behind it can make all the difference.

  • Sheila Atwood

    I loved your take on finding out how you are different from all of your competition.

    No the competition doesn’t have you and your staff, I like the idea of the staff writing blog posts. This is perfect for the dental site I am setting up.

    • Fiona

      @Sheila Atwood, Hi Sheila, I’m glad you liked my take, and I hope you can find the Abnormal Selling Point for your dental site… Feel free to share the address when it’s up and running.

  • Rob Britt

    I am a comedian. I think this adds to my marketing appeal to some degree. I do improv comedy shows (professionally) and do unique youtube videos (occasionally) and can use those aspects of my talent when I talk to potential and current clients. If you can think differently and use that thought process on someone’s campaign, it can elevate their presence.
    “Have you ever considered doing videos? How about adding this into your video to give it some oomph and interest factor to make you stand out?”

    • Tony Denson

      @Rob Britt, Rob DUDE Every comedian guy or girl that I know is definitely abnormal and I love you for it I think you guys use kaleidoscopes to look at the world. Just don’t ask Larry the Cable Guy to go viral.

      Fiona you can easily drive this way of thinking into the next “cutting edge ” mindset for businesses and personalities that want to lead . GO girl. This will be amazing in a few short months. I hope you are writing articles on this too and positioning yourself on Linkedin.

      • Fiona

        @Tony Denson, Hi Tony, Thank you for your kind words of support. I’ve spent so long disagreeing with traditional marketing textbooks, that I thought it was time to express myself a little.

        I like the topic of your blog – Selfworth 2 Networth. Looks like a great starting point for someone to take building their networth very seriously.

    • Fiona

      @Kat Simpson, Hi Kat, That is fantastic news that you found the post so helpful, and you found a new marketing direction. Please keep me posted how that works for you.

  • Rob Britt

    Great blog post. Just the phrasing “abnormal” can send one’s mind to new places. Lots of abnormal stuff to choose from as far as my life and business goes, just have to select the marketable abnormality.
    Thanks for the post. gives me something to think about

    • Fiona

      @Rob Britt, Thanks for your comments Rob – glad to expand your mind ;). You’re right about selecting marketable abnormality 🙂 Do you have an ASP?