Content Marketing
Develop a Better Business Blogging Strategy
Business blogging is a marketing tactic that has so many benefits, that every business should have no excuses for not starting one. Ok, maybe your brochure or static website needs a facelift so the blog can be incorporated… But if you make the effort to move your marketing into the future, you will find your efforts are 100% worth it. But how do you go about developing an effective and beneficial blog for your business? Especially if you have never “blogged” before? Well, like everything else in marketing, having the right plan and strategy in place before you begin is the best way to go about it. Then you can make…
Know Your Customer! Profiling is a Must
I'm a big believer in customer profiling. This is an important step in the Marketing Planning process, to help you and your business come to terms with exactly WHO your clients and potential clients are, so you can make the most of your marketing and advertising budget reaching them.
Simple Tips for Increasing Traffic to your Blog
With Facebook you are chasing "likes" or "fans", with Twitter you are trying to build followers, and with your blog you are trying to increase traffic, or the infamous "unique visits".
9 Top Resources for Free Stock Photos
Every blogger knows that there blog is only as good as the images that accompany their words. It's no lie that a picture says 1,000 words, and all those extra words could certainly help get your message across in your blog.
What your Website Colours say about your Business
A lot of small businesses don't really think about the importance of colours, and their meanings, when they choose to design their logo, or in the creation of their website. But colour can have a powerful influence over how we feel about something. Some businesses have known about this for a long time, and their colour has burned their brand into our brains.