Video Marketing: 5 Types of Videos to Engage Your Customers
The opportunities for businesses to incorporate video marketing in their overall strategy keep growing and growing.
But how do you know what kind of videos to make?
There are several options you may want to consider.
1. Talk to Camera
These are the warmest and most genuine types of videos your business can use. They can give a real “human” quality to a normally cold website page. You can introduce yourself, introduce your business, explain how to do something in your industry, or even just vlog or video blog. This means sharing your thoughts and feedback on a particular topic.
You can sit in front of your webcam and record, record yourself on your smartphone, or if you are wanting a highly professional image, you can even invest in a green screen and spot lights.
It can be a bit nervy if you are not used to it, but the main point is just to get started. You will improve with time, and remember most people are perfectionists when viewing themselves on video, and it’s best not to be so picky.
2. Screencast
A “Screencast” video is usually done using PowerPoint or similar software. This is where you explain something using PowerPoint slides, and you talk over the top, recording both at the same time.
These are best if you are teaching or educating, as they are the perfect way to explain things simply and clearly. This technique is commonly used in Webinars as well. If you are a bit nervous about getting in front of the camera, a screencast is an excellent alternative to get you started. Of course if you are serious about a full-on video marketing strategy, you will need to use both methods.
You may need video recording software, as well as the PowerPoint software. There are some good options like CamStudio (which is free) and Camtasia (which is paid, but has a free trial for 30 days).
3. Interview
The Interview-technique in a video is especially helpful when you want to position yourself as an expert. In this video, someone else is in the video with you, asking you questions. You can be seated or standing.
You can use this technique to show your expertise, give comment on a current industry event or even give some background to your current position.
Similar to “Talk to Camera” this style of video can be recorded with both of you in front of a webcam, either in the same room, or in different locations via the internet. You can even set up a camera, and record a discussion in a more comfortable setting, like a sofa. The “Interview” can even be conducted with your smartphone in any location.
Some people find it easier to be on video with someone else sharing the video time and space with them. An interview can be an excellent way to get started.
4. Documentary
A documentary is a more complex kind of video which can include a combination of the different styles of video – Talk to Camera and Interview. A documentary may involve more planning, editing and videoing than any other video type, but they can have a big impact, especially if you are trying to make a point.
You don’t need to be Michael Moore or Morgan Spurlock to make an effective documentary. It doesn’t need to go for 90 minutes either. Then also tend to be filmed on a variety of locations.
To make a documentary you may need extra help with filming and editing, and it is best to get into videos at this level once you have some experience with the other kinds of video.
5. Animation Video
These are a truly different kind of video, and I’m sure you’ve seen these across the web. The video starts, and text zooms across, and icons and images jump around the screen. They tell a story, or make a point similar to a screencast.
You really need to be technical or know someone technical who can help you create these videos, but they can easily go viral and make an amazing impact.
Video is still tipped to be the NBT (Next Big Thing).
What is your experience with video? Have you tried making these types of videos? Or which videos do you prefer watching?
I welcome all feedback and comments below.

Filmari Evenimente
Animation videos are so cool and efficient, too bad they are so expensive 😛
Derek Maak
Hi Fiona,
Screencasts are still my favorite although I do think Talk To Camera are the most inviting and personal and help you connect with your audience the best. I absolutely agree though that it’s super easy to be overly critical of yourself when in front of the camera. Just remember, more than likely you are your harshest critic. Most people won’t even notice the things you’re worried about and even if they do they won’t think twice about it.