What your Website Colours say about your Business
A lot of small businesses don't really think about the importance of colours, and their meanings, when they choose to design their logo, or in the creation of their website. But colour can have a powerful influence over how we feel about something. Some businesses have known about this for a long time, and their colour has burned their brand into our brains.
How to Suck at Marketing
Marketing is tricky, and everywhere you look, people are giving advice on how to do it right. Well, I’m a little tired of looking at marketing like that. I cannot help myself, but recently over coffee with friends we were chatting about the marketing faux-pas. We laughed and discussed what NOT to do, and I couldn’t help but think – what a great discussion to share. So here they are, my top 10 ways to suck at marketing: 1. No Planning or Strategy Whatever you do, don’t write down how you intend to market your business, product or services. Don’t even talk about it. If you write down in detail…